
Monday, March 26, 2012


Every Grappler has had that moment where your instructor has shown you a technique or explained a concept to you that instantly ripples through your entire knowledge base of techniques. It is slightly different then the times you normally are shown a technique. It is different then when you normally commit something to memory or when you see different ways to add something to your repertoire. You, for some reason can see how that one technique/concept applies to a wide variety of techniques you have been working on or it helps refine ones you have been using for a while.

I call these moments Light Bulb Moments. Walking around in a dark room with a candle can be difficult. Bumping in to things, sort of fumbling your way around until you finally turn the light on and suddenly you have a clear path. These moments don’t always last long, eventually it will get dark again, but you have gained a new outlook. Now you know when it does get dark again, you probably won’t bump into the couch again, and you will remember where that table is next time. Each time it just gets easier and easier to manage those dark times, when things seem foggy, and it’s hard to see a clear path, those light bulb moments help you the most.

A good example is when you finally realize how the core movements of Jiu Jitsu show up with almost every technique you do, every movement, and every escape. You wonder why you didn’t figure that out a year ago, but once you do remember, you never forget.

Those Light Bulb Moments make the journey worth it. And the growth that transpires from those moments is priceless. 

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